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I am a follower of Christ, a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a teacher...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Tips

When my husband and I first got married, I'll do "bulk" shopping.  Buy big, buy once - I figured if I just do one big trip a month, I'm saving on gas, and saving on having to make repeated trips to the grocery store.  I also used to have the mindset that I would only shop at ONE store because they HAD the best stuff.  However, as much as I tried to really plan out what I needed over the course of a month, I'd always miss SOMETHING, or SOMETHING would always come up unexpectedly.  I also came to realize that in terms of being responsible with my finances, my dedication/allegiance to just ONE store really wasn't helping. 

As our family grew, I came to realize that we simply didn't have the finances to put forward for an ENTIRE month of groceries.  I get paid once a month, and covered a bulk of our bill expenses.  My husband gets paid twice a month, which we rely on for living expenses.

For the past couple years, I started making a grocery list for multiple stores.  Each week, I make a list of what's on sale for the stores nearest to me (or I pass on my way going to and from work).  The goal is to plan your route so that you are not going too much out of your way than your regular traveling route. 

I often hit most stores I need to shop at one afternoon afterwork.  I'll plan out my route from work to home, trying to hit stores up as I come pass them.  That way I'm not making a special trip out. 

Because I go through the ads weekly, I get groceries weekly.  However, I spend a whole lot less than buying them once a month.  My typical goal for our family of 4 (soon to be 5 in July) is about $50 a week.  Now this is strictly food - no toiletries or diapers. 

My very supportive husband found this blog of me, and I'd like to pass on.  It goes through some benefits of shopping at multiple stores.  I hope it helps you guys out!  Click HERE for the blog.

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